Tag Archives: Sports

Not Taking Sports Seriously (2nd Edition)

For everyone that caught the first edition of “Not Taking Sports Seriously”  , thank you. It actually ended up being one of our more popular posts and was even shared by a couple friends on Facebook and Twitter.

A share online can go a looooong way folks… So if you like what you see, help us out over here and share this article with your friends, through Facebook or Twitter.

Also, before we get started here, a quick shout out to Oklahoma and all the victims of that tragic tornado that hit just today. Text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to donate $10 to help the tornado victims in Oklahoma.


– Not Taking Sports Seriously (2nd Edition) –

Alexis Normand makes America laugh with a frown on

Here are some things you should know before you watch Alexis Normand (kind of) sing the National Anthem:

– This took place in Canada.

– Alexis Normand had to sing the national anthems for both the United States and Canada (she did much better in the latter).

My favorite moments:

– #20 on the far left just putting his head down and laughing his ass off (0:49)

– #13 looking around as if he’s like “Does anybody else realize that this is really happening..?” (0:51)

– THE ENTIRE FREAKING VIDEO. This is one of the best “messed-up national anthems” in recent history and completely blows what Christina Aguilera mess up at the Super Bowl out of the water.

Manny Ramirez and the Chinese Professional Baseball League

It’s old news that Manny Ramirez has been playing baseball in the Chinese Professional Baseball League, but it’s the fact that Manny Ramirez keeps giving us moments those “Manny being Manny” moments that keeps him relevant. As a Dodgers fan, I’ll never forget how he single-handedly turned the Dodgers into a contender in the National League. As a baseball fan, I’ll never forget how he single-handedly ruined a career that was headed straight to the hall of fame.

Ladies and gentlemen, here are two beautiful examples of Manny being Manny… in Taiwan. You can also take these as two beautiful examples of why Manny is being Manny in Taiwan, and not in the states.

c/o The Score

Metta World Peace does weather (and it’s actually funny this time)

We’ve seen Metta World Peace do weather before, but I personally wasn’t a huge fan of it. It’s not that I have anything against Metta – I think he’s one of the most enjoyable personalities in the NBA. But in terms of content, it just wasn’t that funny.

Now this… This is funny:

Some memorable quotes:

“Yo Devin… I got 5 on it baby.”

“It’s, um, 72 degrees on Saturday, it’s 77 degrees Sunday, 80 on Monday, and ya’ll know the rest. Just read. If you can’t read, go to school.”

Not Taking Sports Seriously (1st Edition)

This year, I’ve been finding myself being constantly disappointed by my teams: saying the Lakers were a disappointment is a drastic understatement and the Dodgers and their second-highest payroll in baseball can’t buy a win. If it wasn’t for the Kings, I’d already be in some mental institution.

By the way, I have been watching much more hockey, especially the Kings. I went to two Kings games this year, was incredibly intrigued by hockey, and I’m officially a Kings fan. Oh, and by the way, I have no problem being called a bandwagon Kings fan. I’m just starting to get familiar with hockey anyways.

Welcome to the first edition of “Not Taking Sports Seriously”, a time and place where we can all take sports less seriously and crack a smile after seeing some of the human elements that sports provides us. Or in other words, we look at some of the random, funny sh*t that happens in sports every once in a while and laugh about it.

– Not Taking Sports Seriously (1st Edition) –

Tim Duncan and the art of the photobomb

If you don’t know what a photobomb is, here’s the definition… Actually, before I tell you the definition, can you do me a quick favor and get out of that rock you’ve been under?

According to the site that’s been allowing middle-aged suburban parents to stay hip, UrbanDictionary.com defines “photobomb” as:

(verb)- to drop in a photo unexpectedly…to hop in a picture right before it is taken.

Tim Duncan’s always been known as a guy who did things the right way. He’s fundamentally sound, does things by the book, and never tries to get too fancy with what he does. Simply put, the guy gets the job done in the way that you’d expect it to be done.

However, in the first viral photobomb Tim Duncan photobombs a photo… without actually knowing he did so.

c/o Imgur

c/o Imgur

I think that’s probably the most outgoing thing I’ve ever seen Tim Duncan do.

Lee Westwood makes us all feel better about our golf games

If you’re a casual sports fan, you’ve probably never heard of Lee Westwood. I can’t lie: his name looks familiar, but he’s not a guy I’m making an effort to watch on the golf course. Here’s what I knew about Lee Westwood after I saw this video:

– Lee Westwood is a professional golfer.

– Lee Westwood is playing golf at The Players Championship (2013).

– He made me feel less embarrassed for ever doing this at the driving range:

Now it’s officially legal to yell, “IT’S OKAY… LEE WESTWOOD DID IT TOO.”

Will.I.Am and the NBA Playoffs:

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen that commercial. I also can’t tell you how many times I’ve punched myself in the face after watching that.

I have nothing against Will.i.am or the NBA’s attempt to attract to “the younger crowd”… but what the f*ck is that?!?

There is however, one good thing that came out of this. In fact, it’s not even “good”, it’s borderline amazing, with a pinch of awesome

This is a gif of Joakim Noah in that commercial:

c/o With Leather

I know. I can watch this forever too.

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