Tag Archives: Nick Young

The Sideline Bleachers Podcast: The Lakers Lose The Right Way (April 2nd, 2014)

Last night, the Lakers lost to the Portland Trailblazers,124-112, bringing them one loss closer to 50. As sad as last night may seem, the (25-49) Lakers did find a magical concept: entertainingly losing.

– How did the Lakers entertainingly lose?
– What should Laker fans be hoping for the rest of the season?
– How the hell is there a ‘right’ way to lose? When is losing ever right?

Before I get excommunicated as a Laker fan, just give the podcast a listen and hear me out.

The Angone and Ko Show: Episode 6 (Lakers review 2 games in, Dodgers (p)review) – October 31st, 2013

As some of you guys know, I also do another podcast called “The Angone and Ko Show” or “The AKS Podcast” for short. Here’s our latest one, where we talked some Lakers and Dodgers:

In Episode 6, Angone and Ko review the biggest stories in the LA sports scene:
– Reviewing the Lakers first two games against the Clippers and Warriors (First impressions, outlook on the rest of the season)
– Reviewing the Dodgers season, looking at which Dodger free-agents should be resigned, what free-agents in the market the Dodgers should look the sign, and what to do with Clayton Kershaw’s contract situation (11:55)