Your Feel-Good Sports Moment of the Week: Matt Kemp gives a sick fan a sick gift… or two (or three).

There’s a video going somewhat-viral around the Internet, featuring three stars during a series in San Francisco between the Giants and the Dodgers: Matt Kemp, Dodgers third-base coach Tim Wallach, and a fan, who according to the YouTube description, is “fighting a tough battle” (one can only assume this is referencing to some kind of illness).

No matter what illness the fan had, here’s how the story goes: the people accompanying the fan, in some unknown way, were able to communicate to Tim Wallach (their seats were right next to third-base so we’ll assume that had something to do with it). Tim Wallach, according to the YouTube uploader comments, told the fan’s father that “he would see if he (Matt Kemp) would come over after the game”.

This is what happened “after the game”:

Keep in mind that Matt Kemp is hitting .265 this year with a single home-run.

Keep in mind that after 117 at-bats, Kemp has only 31 hits to show for it, which undoubtedly adds to the list of major disappointments through this (early) baseball season.

Keep in mind that the Dodgers got swept by the San Francisco Giants (AHHHHHHHIDSAHFKJFISADHF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that weekend.

Keep in mind that there are more important things in life than sports.

Kudos to Matt Kemp for keeping all those things in mind.

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