Interactive Owners: Good or Bad?


The New York Times has come out with an article that states Deron Williams’ decision to rejoin the Brooklyn Nets, instead of coming to his hometown Dallas Mavericks, was “of course” affected by Mark Cuban’s decision to not be apart of the recruiting process. Williams compared the process to his college-recruitment days, when Maryland head coach Gary Williams would not meet with him, causing Williams to cancel his visit to Maryland.

Matthew Emmons-US PRESSWIRE – Presswire

Comparing an owner, a guy who pays you to play, to a coach, the guy who tells you how to play, may seem alarming to some, while reasonable to others. What’s more puzzling is the fact that Cuban, who is known as one of the most hands-on owners in sports, chose to shoot an episode of the reality show “Shark Tank” instead of recruiting one of the leagues top point-guards.

So before we answer this question ourselves, we want to know what you think:

Is it better to be a hands-on owner (e.g. Mark Cuban, Jerry Jones, Al Davis), an owner who simply pays his expenses and trusts his front office, or a little bit in between?

Give us your opinion by leaving a comment below!

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